Wind-Up Shark [ORCS-EN082] Super Rare

Title: NM Saint John Unlimited
Sale Price$1.30
Sold out


Set: Order of Chaos
Card type: Fish
Rarity: Super Rare
Attack: 1500
Defense: 1300
When a ôWind-Upö monster is Normal or Special Summoned to your side of the field: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn: You can activate 1 of these effects. // *Increase this cardÆs Level by 1, until the End Phase. // *Reduce this cardÆs Level by 1, until the End Phase.

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  • Gamezilla Moncton - (506) 855-7101
  • Gamezilla Fredericton -  (506) 450-9028
  • Gamezilla Saint John -  (506) 657-7529
  • Gamezilla Bathurst -   (506) 548-1011

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